CoLang 2016!

I just returned from CoLang: The Institute for Collaborative Language Documentation, hosted this summer at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. In addition to meeting lots of inspiring people, I took classes on various digital tools, consent and intellectual property rights, and oral annotation methods.

CoLang 2016

CoLang 2016


From the press release:

The Institute of Collaborative Language Research (CoLang) has gathered since 20th June, 2016, at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). In attendance are language activists, learners, linguists, speakers, students, teachers, elders, wiki bloggers, archivists, and publishers hailing from the Miyako/Ryukyuan, Mohawk, Tlingit, Potawatomi, Tunica/Biloxi, Tututni, Ahtna, Hän, Navajo/Dineì, Dene, Denaakk’e, Unangam Tunuu, Blackfoot/Blackfeet, Wendat, Karuk, Catalan, Kristang, Chickasaw, Seminole, Creek, and Ekegusii language communities, among others.

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Filed under Events, Travel

Congratulations graduates

Congratulations to recently-graduated Fieldwork Lab members! Colin Brown completed his MA, and Douglas Gordon and Cora Lesure received their BAs.

Cora and Jessica at McGill convocation

Cora and Jessica at McGill convocation


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Filed under Student news

Gitksan fieldwork

Colin Brown is in Northern British Columbia from May 2nd until May 12th working with Gitksan speakers across five villages (photos below are of neighbouring Nisga’a territory).

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Filed under Fieldwork, Student news, Travel

Martha Schwarz to India

Congratulations to Martha Schwarz, who will be spending the summer doing fieldwork in India through a MITACS Globalink Research Award.  She will be staying in the Nepali-speaking Darjeeling region, collecting data on Nepali ergativity and Nepali laryngeal contrasts.  The ergativity project is co-supervised by Ayesha Kidwai (Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi). Martha recently present work on Nepali ergativity at the MOTH Syntax Workshop at University of Toronto Mississauga.

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Filed under Fieldwork, Student news, Travel

Mi’gmaq Research Partnership and WSCLA in the news

The Mi’gmaq Research Partnership was featured last week in the Montreal Gazette and in the Journal Métro, in connection with Mi’gmaq work being presented at this year’s WSCLA 2016. The full articles are here: and here

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Filed under In the news

McGill at WSCLA

This year’s Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas (WSCLA) will take place at UQÀM, April 1st–3rd. Presentations by current and former Fieldwork Lab affiliates include…

  • Colin Brown (McGill) – Revisiting ergativity in Gitksan
  • Lauren Clemens (SUNY-Albany) and Jessica Coon (McGill) – Deriving Mayan V1: A Fresh Look at Ch’ol
  • Hadas Kotek (McGill) and Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine (Singapore National University) – Non-interrogative wh-constructions in Chuj
  • Carol-Rose Little (Cornell) – Agreement and animacy on Mi’gmaq transitive verbs
  • Elise McClay (UBC) and Violet Birdstone (UBC) – Interpretation of Ktunaxa wh-indefinites

WSCLA is co-organized by former Post-doc Richard Compton. The rest of the program is available here.

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Filed under Announcements, Events, Presentations

Carol-Rose Little and Maddie Metallic on Canadian Language Museum

Carol-Rose Little (McGill BA ’12) and Maddie Metallic (Listuguj community member and McGill summer intern) are featured this week on the Canadian Language Museum blog. For the full post click here.

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Filed under In the news

Mike Hamilton to Florida Atlantic University

Congratulations to recent McGill PhD and Mi’gmaq Research Partnership member Michael Hamilton, who has just accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Linguistics Department at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. Mike finished his PhD in 2015 on Mi’gmaq and is currently a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University. Nice work Mike!

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Filed under Student news

Cora Lesure at McGill Undergraduate Research Symposium



Recent BA graduate Cora Lesure presented her work from her Summer 2015 ARIA award at this year’s Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Research Event. This work formed part of her Honours thesis on Ch’ol prosody, which she completed this past semester co-supervised by Jessica Coon and recent postdoc, Lauren Clemens. Congrats Cora!

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by | January 21, 2016 · 7:15 pm

McGill at the LSA/SSILA

McGill field-working linguists were in Washington DC for the 90th Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, January 7–10th. The LSA meeting also includes the Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of Latin America.

Presentations from McGill fieldworkers of past and present include…

  • Colin Brown (McGill University): Genitive/ergative in Gitksan (SSILA)
  • Hadas Kotek (McGill University), Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine (National University of Singapore; former McGill postdoc): Unifying definite and indefinite free relatives: evidence from Mayan
  • Cora Lesure (McGill University), Lauren Clemens (SUNY Albany; former McGill postdoc): Prosodic boundary marking in Ch’ol: acoustic indicators and their applications (SSILA)

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Filed under Presentations, Student news